As it is, my NDF has now gone below the STI index with NDF being $1.36 and STI being $1.38. If I have to point out any fault, it would have to be due to my ill discipline. Hesitation to cut loss and selling when I am not supposed to. Have I learned a lesson? Haha, sadly speaking, I didn't. This is because recently, I loaded more position based on "feel". I guess I got lured in by improving market sentiment, thus trying to preempt my buying signal. This time round, if I managed to survive, then I'm lucky, else I just have to bear with another wave of cut losses.
I bought some CAO @ $2.52, Ferrochina @ $1.95, OKP @ $0.68 and Lyxor China H @ $16.8. Anyway, after I reach home, I calculated the potential risk. To my astonishment, CAO, Ferrochina, OKP are very risky stocks with total cut loss amounting to 5% of my portfolio. That's not healthy. To breakdown, the cut loss is as follows:
MMP Reit: $0.998 - $1.07 (N.A as this is part of my 10% untouched funds) STI ETF100: $32.226 (N.A as this is part of my 10% untouched funds) AsiaEnv: $0.605 (N.A as the sales of this equity will be determined by my brother)
Lyxor ChinaH: US$15.796 (This is not part of the 10% untouched funds as purchase is based on buying signals) OKP: $0.554 (Cutloss point based on its volatility. I forgot about the fact that it has such high risk when I bought it) CAO: $2.14 (same as above) FerroChina: $1.64
As you can see, the cutloss is determined based on its volatility(risk). At the moment, this is the risk present and I now have to follow my cutloss. I realise its easier for me to cut loss than to refrain myself from buying unnecessarily.Labels: AsiaEnv, ChinaAviationOil, FerroChina, LyxorChinaH, MMPReit, NenixDreams Fund, OKP, STI ETF100 |