Nenix Dreams

A journey on Trading

About Me
Information about me, how the site works and how I came to a decision to do this here
Stock Sell Counter
Stock Sell Counter Rating

Under Construction

Transactions of stocks
Below is a table of stocks that I have traded before. This will be stickied on top of blog for easier navigation.

[+/-] A to D
[+/-] E to G
[+/-] H to L
[+/-] M to Q
[+/-] R to S
[+/-] T to Z
NTS Development Issues

Updated Portfolio
Currency Exchange
Monday, December 10, 2007
Proud of Singapore
I'm not sure if it's a good deal, but I do feel proud that our small red dot is making a difference in the global financial markets. It seems to be beneficial to our markets as we might be able to attract funds from Europe to Singapore (maybe its not as direct, but that's how I feel).

Anyway, now the trend seems to be that people are swooping up the CDOs and Middle East and Asia seems to be leading the way.

All in all, I'm really proud of Singapore to be honest..
posted by Nenix @ 11:35 PM   0 comments
Stronger Mental Strength
One month after my last post, I have trying hard to acquire more mental strength. During the recent correction, as the price always dropped more than the recovery, I found myself not decisive in cutting my losses. This is unlike the previous corrections whereby they are more definite.

I have incurred significant losses and I'm really quite shocked by that. However, life still goes on, and what I can take away from this period is that I need more mental strength. There are situations whereby I cut loss when it still hasn't reached the trigger and there are instances whereby I held too long when I should have cut. It is actually a very definite action yet I hesitated time and time again.

Recently, I made some trades and some of it are losing trades, which I cut. The positives are that I am more firm now. I do hope I can keep up my current mentality while of cos having some good runs later.
posted by Nenix @ 2:50 PM   0 comments
NenixDreams Fund
Fund launchprice on 1st August 2006= $1

Target for 2007 = Beat STI index

Current price of NDF as of 1st Oct 2007 = $1.58

Current price of STI as of 1st Oct 2007 = $1.54

Difference with STI index is 0.04

Tools that Generate Passive Income

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